Oral health issues can contribute to chronic diseases

oral health issues can contribute to chronic diseases

Taking care of your mouth is key to strengthening your immune system

Instances of chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, Lyme disease and others have been increasing dramatically over the past few decades as Americans’ immune systems weaken under the stress of poor nutrition and other factors. Oral health issues play a prominent role in contributing to these immune system challenges.

Avoiding metals and preventing gum disease are the two primary steps you can take when it comes to taking control of your oral health. Non-metal technologies such as composite resins and ceramics can replace metals in most dental treatments, including fillings, crowns and implants.

Gum disease can contribute to numerous health issues in addition to the obvious dental challenges. The gum disease process breaks down the tissue shield that protects teeth and allows bacteria to gain entry into the body. This strains the immune system and redirects resources from where they may be needed in other parts of the body.

Strengthen your body with the right kinds of foods

One of the easiest things to control when it comes to your health is the type and quality of foods you eat. Natural foods always are preferable to processed foods. Keep this simple truism in mind: If God did not make it, you should not eat it.

Your body performs best when you fuel it with a diet high in saturated fats and moderate to high in proteins. Foods and drinks that are high in sugar content or sweetened with aspartame, such as many sodas and sport drinks, are not good for your mouth or the rest of your body.

Buy organic foods whenever possible to limit your exposure to pesticides and weed killers, and look for vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, summer squash, cabbage, asparagus and beans. Avoid soybeans and polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as canola oil. Preferred options include coconut oil at high heat; butter, preferably from grass-fed cows; or olive oil at low heat only.

Since the majority of chronic diseases have an oral health issue that causes or contributes to the problem, you can improve your odds by keeping up to date with dental appointments and making sure your mouth is in peak condition.

About Janssen Dental Clinic in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Janssen Dental Clinic is led by Dr. Craig Janssen, a third-generation dentist serving patients in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the surrounding area. Dr. Craig and his staff specialize in reducing the fear and anxiety that people of all ages feel over going to the dentist, with services ranging from routine cleanings to restorative and cosmetic procedures. Call (920) 983-8383 to schedule an appointment. New patients are always welcome.


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