What are dental implants

process of dental implant at janssen dental clinic

Janssen Dental offers expertise in dental implants in Green Bay

Most people have heard the term “dental implants,” but have only a general idea of what they are until their dentist brings them up as a possible treatment option. Dental implants, when appropriate, are modern dentistry’s answer to many of the shortcomings common with traditional dentures.

Dental implants are as close as you can get to having healthy, natural teeth through artificial means. They give you the confidence to smile, chew, and otherwise live a happy, normal life without worrying about the look or feel of your teeth.

While the result of a dental implant is a new version of one or more missing or diseased teeth, the actual dental implant itself is a replacement for the root of that tooth. A surgical fixture is implanted into the jawbone and allowed time to fuse with the bone so it gains great stability.

Titanium is the material of choice for most of these surgical fixtures because the body does not recognize this metal as a foreign object. However, we also offer ceramic implants for patients who either don’t want metal or are allergic to it.

What makes dental implants a popular option?

Assuming your jaw is healthy enough to accept the procedure, dental implants are a popular option because they restore normal function and esthetics without affecting nearby healthy teeth. Dental implants can replace a single tooth up to and including a whole mouth’s full of teeth.

Dental implants provide a permanent option for tooth replacement rather than a temporary or removable option such as traditional dentures. The ability to anchor implants into the jawbone virtually guarantees the long-term viability of the procedure. In fact, the success rate for dental implants is about 98%.

In addition, the portion of dental implants that you can see – the crowns – are custom-made to match your natural teeth and fit your mouth. The entire process takes several months to complete because of the healing periods necessary during several steps in the process, but our patients tell us the payoff at the end of the journey is worth the wait.

Are you wondering if dental implants could be the answer to your dental issues? Contact Janssen Dental Clinic at (920) 983-8383 to schedule a consultation.

About Janssen Dental Clinic in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Janssen Dental Clinic is led by Dr. Craig Janssen, a third-generation dentist serving patients in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the surrounding area. Dr. Craig and his staff specialize in reducing the fear and anxiety that people of all ages feel over going to the dentist, with services ranging from routine cleanings to restorative and cosmetic procedures. Call (920) 983-8383 to schedule an appointment. New patients are always welcome.


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