We can help you overcome your dental fear and anxiety

Sedation dentistry at Janssen Dental Clinic in Green Bay Wisconsin

The Janssen Dental team focuses on patient comfort

You’re not alone if the mere thought of going to the dentist sends waves of apprehension through your mind and causes your chest to tighten. In fact, dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is a recognized psychological challenge that affects as many as one in three people to varying degrees.

Dr. Craig Janssen and the rest of our team make every effort to help you feel comfortable when you visit Janssen Dental Clinic. That begins with the seasonally pleasant aromas emitted from four diffusers scattered throughout our building. Many people say they hate the smell of most dental offices, but love the fact ours smells nice.

Your sense of smell isn’t the only sensory receptor we work to calm during your visit. Our treatment rooms feature large windows, letting in loads of natural light and relaxing views of plants, flowers, and Dr. Craig’s trademark bee colonies. You won’t feel trapped in a windowless treatment room, as is often the case at many large chain dental practices.

The most important aspect of our care model involves the Janssen Dental team itself. We’re people just like you, and we understand how important it is to be addressed by your first name and with a smile. Our staff has friendly conversations with patients and does not rush you through because of some productivity quota. You’re not just a number at Janssen Dental.

Additional ways to reduce dental fear and anxiety

We offer a variety of advanced methods to help patients get through any dental fear and anxiety issues they have. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is a good option for patients who do not want full-blown sedation, and it is safe to use with Valium for those who need an extra dose of relaxation.

We generally recommend oral conscious sedation as the best option for patients who request sedation because this method lasts longer than IV sedation. We do offer IV sedation, but this is not our first choice.

Possible causes of dental fear and anxiety

There could be many reasons why going to the dentist causes you to feel fearful and anxious. It may go back to an unpleasant experience you had as a youngster, or it may have nothing to do with a dental visit at all.

Something as general as a lack of control over a situation can trigger feelings of anxiety. Ask your hygienist or Dr. Craig to explain what’s happening or about to happen, and consider establishing a signal when you want them to stop what they’re doing so you can catch your breath.

If you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth, please know there is very little we haven’t seen and you absolutely are not alone with this concern. Helping you enjoy the best oral health possible – regardless of your current condition – is why we’re here.

Fear of pain or discomfort is the most common reason people experience dental fear and anxiety. Dental science has come a long way, and most of our procedures today feature much less discomfort than you might remember.

Regardless of why you may feel some level of dental fear and anxiety, the best way to have a positive experience is to discuss your concerns with Dr. Craig and our staff. That way, we can work with you to figure out the best ways to reduce your anxiety level so you can get the dental attention you need.



About Janssen Dental Clinic in Green Bay, Wisconsin 

Janssen Dental Clinic features the dental expertise of Dr. Craig Janssen, a third-generation dentist serving patients in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the surrounding area. Dr. Craig and his staff specialize in oral health as a component of overall well-being, a philosophy of care known as biological dentistry. They have expertise in reducing the fear and anxiety that people of all ages feel over going to the dentist, with services ranging from routine cleanings to restorative and cosmetic procedures. Call (920) 983-8383 to schedule an appointment. New patients are always welcome.


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