Sedation Dentistry Minimizes Anxiety to Make Dental Visits Easier
Dr. Craig Janssen’s expertise makes Janssen Dental Clinic the office of choice for sedation dentistry in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Our Guide Through Complex Dental Treatment
Dr. Craig Janssen creates personalized treatment plans for complex dental restorations that are appropriate for each patient’s situation.

Follow these tips to protect your teeth during the holiday season
You can enjoy some treats while still being a good boy or girl. It is easy to let your guard down when it comes to dental health while indulging in holiday festivities. The Janssen Dental Clnic team understands this challenge. That’s why we have put together this…

Fall is a good time to reinforce your child’s dental routine
Make their regular dental exam as predictable as going back to school. If your kids are like a lot of young people, attention to personal responsibilities goes out the window the day after school lets out for the summer. That’s why it is so important to reintroduce…

Plan ahead to deal with dental emergencies while on vacation
Complete any pending dental treatments before leaving home. No one ever plans to have a dental emergency while on vacation, but it is a good idea to prepare in the event such an occurrence pops up while you’re away from home. There are several steps you can take prior…

Biological dentistry favors SMART strategy for amalgam fillings
Dr. Craig Janssen focuses on safety when old fillings need removal. Times have changed since dentists mostly treated cavities with amalgam - those unattractive, dark-colored fillings comprised of mercury, silver, and other metals. As a modern biological dentist, Dr…

We use a variety of x-rays to gain a complete view of your mouth
Obtaining detailed images helps us provide appropriate dental care. As much as a visual exam of your mouth helps your dentist see the more obvious issues going on inside your mouth, there’s no substitue for the detail a full set of dental x-rays provides. The…

We can help you overcome your dental fear and anxiety
The Jansen Dental team focuses on patient comfort. You’re not alone if the mere thought of going to the dentist sends waves of apprehension through your mind and causes your chest to tighten. In fact, dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is a recognized psychological…

Dental implants are an increasingly popular option to dentures
Advanced technology makes for less-invasive dental implant procedures. Technology as it relates to dental implants ocntinues to evolve, providing a more attractive option for our patients than the dentures preferred by past generations. Dr. Craig Janssen has invested…

Dental x-rays are a low-risk diagnostic tool
Digital techologies produce lower radiation amounts. Many of our patients remember back when taking dental x-rays required the operator to hide behind a wall to provide themselves from the significal amounts of radiation released by the x-ray machine. Those days are…

Composite dental fillings mimic properties of natural teeth
Dr. Craig Janssen uses composite dental fillings when tooth strength permits. Many of ur patients grew up with unattractive silver fillings their dentist used to seal cavities. While these amalgam fillings did a reasonable job in terms of preventing further tooth…

What are dental implants
Janssen Dental offers expertise in dental implants in Green Bay. Most people have heard the term “dental implants”, but have only a general idea of what they are until their dentist brings them up as a possible treatment option. Dental implants, when appropriate are…

Removing amalgam fillings requires a heightened focus on safety
Janssen Dental Clinic is SMART about amalgam removal safety procedures. The issue of whether or not to remove those old silver amalgam fillings often comes down to one simple question: are they still in good shape or are they cracked and showing signs of wear? Janssen...

Janssen Dental ranked among best Green Bay dentists
National service recognizes Janssen Dental as a leader in dental care. Janssen Dental, a full-service dental clinic serving patients in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the surrounding area, has been recognized as one of the nine best dental...