Sedation Dentistry Minimizes Anxiety to Make Dental Visits Easier

Dr. Craig Janssen’s expertise makes Janssen Dental Clinic the office of choice for sedation dentistry in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Relaxation is the key to a satisfactory oral health experience

While most people aren’t thrilled about going to the dentist, the thought of sitting through a procedure is nothing short of terrifying for some of our patients. Dr. Craig Janssen understands the important role that minimizing fear and anxiety can have in helping patients comfortably make it through their appointments. His expertise in sedation dentistry makes Janssen Dental Clinic the office of choice for patients who desire some extra assistance in reaching a relaxed state.

Janssen Dental Clinic uses oral conscious sedation and does not put anyone “under” using general anesthesia. Sedation dentistry uses inhaled gas, prescribed oral sedative, or IV fluid to help patients relax and feel a sense of calm. The medication used puts you in a “twilight” state so you are still conscious and we are able to communicate with you, and it has an amnesic effect so you have little to no memory of your appointment.

What are the various types of sedation dentistry options?

Janssen Dental offers a variety of sedation options for patients depending on their level of anxiety and desire for a deeper level of relaxation. In addition to the options described below, we also provide headphones to listen to music or a podcast, dim lights and warm blankets. Dr. Craig will recommend the options most appropriate for you and provide instructions for before and after your appointment.

Nitrous Oxide - You might know this as “laughing gas.” While this gas doesn’t typically make people laugh, it is a popular choice for a lighter sedation. Administered through a nose piece during your appointment, nitrous oxide encourages a relaxed state, but still allows the patient to drive themselves home after a short recovery period.

Oral Conscious Sedation - This form of sedation dentistry involves taking a prescribed pill prior to your appointment. Since you take the medication prior to your appointment, you will need a driver to and from your appointment. You are monitored during the duration of your appointment and your driver/companion will be getting updates as to how you are doing and the end time of your appointment.

IV Sedation - This is the sedation dentistry option of choice for patients with moderate to severe dental anxiety. We deliver the sedation medication intravenously before the procedure, and carefully monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure.

Safety considerations for sedation dentistry

Safety after your sedation dentistry appointment is just as important as during the procedure. We will include a printout of our after-care instructions in your pre-appointment paperwork as well as provide a copy for your companion the day of your visit. We urge patients and their companions to follow these safety instructions.

Contact our office to learn more about sedation dentistry and how you can enjoy a more relaxed experience at your next dental appointment.

About Janssen Dental Clinic in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Janssen Dental Clinic features the dental expertise of Dr. Craig Janssen, a third-generation dentist serving patients in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the surrounding area. Dr. Craig and his staff specialize in oral health as a component of overall well-being, a philosophy of care known as biological dentistry. They have expertise in reducing the fear and anxiety that people of all ages feel over going to the dentist, with services ranging from routine cleanings to restorative and cosmetic procedures. Call (920) 983-8383 to schedule an appointment. New patients are always welcome.


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