Fuel your smile: The role of good nutrition in dental health
Your diet matters when it comes to keeping your mouth happy. Good nutrition is crucial for overall health and well-being, including dental health. A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help strengthen dental health, prevent chronic…
Sedation dentistry can work wonders during longer procedures
Relaxation makes some dental experiences easier to endure. Janssen Dental Clinic offers sedation dentistry options that help our patients remain relaxed during their dental procedures. We have found this to be very beneficial for patients who require more extensive…
Biological dentistry’s benefits extend beyond oral health
Dr. Craig Janssen connects your mouth to overall wellness. The medically proven link between oral health and other issues that may affect your body’s overall health forms the basis for a philosophy of care known as biological dentistry. This mouth-body connection is…
A biological dentist takes more than your oral health into account
Dr. Craig Janssen focuses on the connection with your whole body. Patients often ask us what it means to be a biological dentist. It can be a confusing term, after all, since our mouths and dental science are biological in nature. The differences come from the…
Use the New Year as your time for a dental hygiene status check
Is this the year you finally take control of your dental health? If you are like a lot of patients we see at Janssen Dental Clinic, you do a pretty good job of taking care of your teeth and overall oral health, but there are still areas in which you know you could…
Give your teeth a present this holiday season
Some foods and drinks are on Santa’s naughty list. The holiday season is great for spending time with family and connecting with friends. It can be detrimental to your dental health, however, if you go overboard with certain foods and drinks that promote tooth decay…
Know what you’re getting with dental insurance
Coverages can be confusing when it comes to the amount they pay. Like many types of insurance, dental insurance can be a big help at times and come up maddeningly short over times. We see all levels of dental coverage at Janssen Dental Clinic, and our best advice is…
What can you do to combat gum disease?
Periodontal cleanings and nutrition strategies can prevent periodontitis. There is more to dental health than brushing and flossing your teeth, although those are great places to start. Gum disease comprises a significant portion of the oral health issues we treat at…
Fall is a good time to reinforce your child’s dental routine
Make their regular dental exam as predictable as going back to school. If your kids are like a lot of young people, attention to personal responsibilities goes out the window the day after school lets out for the summer. That’s why it is so important to reintroduce…
Ceramic is our material of choice for safe, natural-looking crowns
Biological dentistry avoids metal crowns and bridges in restorations. Crowns and bridges are a last resort for Dr. Craig Janssen when patients arrive at Janssen Dental Clinic in need of restoration work. Keeping your natural teeth intact is always Dr. Craig’s primary…
Plan ahead to deal with dental emergencies while on vacation
Complete any pending dental treatments before leaving home. No one ever plans to have a dental emergency while on vacation, but it is a good idea to prepare in the event such an occurrence pops up while you’re away from home. There are several steps you can take prior…
Keep dental health a priority during your busy summer
Sunshine and healthy foods complement your regular dental routine. Dental health never takes a vacation, even when we do. It can be easy to put healthy habits on the back burner now that we can get outside after a long winter and chilly spring. The good news is some…
Biological dentistry favors SMART strategy for amalgam fillings
Dr. Craig Janssen focuses on safety when old fillings need removal. Times have changed since dentists mostly treated cavities with amalgam - those unattractive, dark-colored fillings comprised of mercury, silver, and other metals. As a modern biological dentist, Dr…
We use a variety of x-rays to gain a complete view of your mouth
Obtaining detailed images helps us provide appropriate dental care. As much as a visual exam of your mouth helps your dentist see the more obvious issues going on inside your mouth, there’s no substitue for the detail a full set of dental x-rays provides. The…
Our extensive exam can lead to early detection of dental issues
Addressing issues now can save time and money in the long run. “Going to the dentist” as it relates to Janssen Dental Clinic involves much more than just getting your teeth cleaned and addressing obvious oral health issues. Dr. Craig Janssen and the rest of our…
Dr. Craig follows a biological dentistry philosophy of care
Janssen Dental patients receive care that extends beyond procedures. The term “biological dentistry” is a philosophy of care that brings lifestyle elements into the discussion with your dental team. While not always well-understood outside of the dental community, it…
Turn your focus on you in 2022
Pay attention to the aspects of life you can control. As much as we hoped, some of the chaos and uncertainty we have been experiencing would disappear simply by turning the calendar to 2022, the reality is there is only so much we can control. That’s why it’s more…
Make a New Year’s resolution to return to your dental routine
The pandemic threw many of us for a loop over the past two years, interrupting our routines and making it easy to ignore healthcare checkups such as annual physicals and six-month dental checkups. The New Year provides an opportunity to press the reset buttons on our lives and get back…
Natural Supplements - Light can curb your holiday anxiety levels
Janssen Dental Clinic can help you minimize seasonal challenges. The end of the year delivers a perfect storm of factors that can intensify feelings of anxiety and a general lack of energy for many people. As if the stresses that come with trying to meet multiple…
We can help you overcome your dental fear and anxiety
The Jansen Dental team focuses on patient comfort. You’re not alone if the mere thought of going to the dentist sends waves of apprehension through your mind and causes your chest to tighten. In fact, dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is a recognized psychological…